Institute of Bioinformatics Münster
2024/05/03 14:14
New Request
Look at a previous result
Job ID You can provide the ID of a previous job to look at it again. This ID was provided during job submission and in the email notifying job completion (e.g. 144664758130716).
Start a new analysis
Discovery Task*
Plasmodium polymorphisms
Dengue virus serotype classification
Provide target file
Specify the task to perform. Depending on the task you choose, different target sequences will be used. If you choose "provide", you can upload your own target sequences.
Job Title You may give this job a title, to help you identify it later on. The job title will be carried on all subsequent displays.
Query File* Upload query sequences in fastq, fast5 or zip format. Zipped files can contain fastq or fast5 files. To run the pipeline with a test dataset, you don't need to upload a query file. Just select "Run with test data" at the bottom of the page.
Target file* Upload target sequences in fasta format.
Email Address If you provide your email address, you will be notified once your job is finished.
Adjust LAST Parameters
Substitution Matrix or Scores
Substitution Matrix
Specify, whether you want to provide a substitution matrix for the scores, or provide the match and mismatch scores with the options '-r' and '-q'.
Substitution Matrix
Upload or enter a matrix. Details on the required format are given in the usage section. If you upload or enter a substitution matrix, you cannot define the match score and mismatch cost.
Match Score (-r) By default, this pipeline uses a match score of 6 for "Dengue virus serotype classification". For "Plasmodium polymorphisms", the match score is defined by a specific substitution matrix (4 for A/T, 9 for C/G). The LAST default match score is 6.
Mismatch Cost (-q) By default, this pipeline uses a mismatch cost of 12 for "Plasmodium polymorphisms" and for "Dengue virus serotype classification". The LAST default mismatch cost is 18.
Gap Existence Cost (-a) By default, this pipeline uses a gap existence cost of 12 for "Plasmodium polymorphisms" and for "Dengue virus serotype classification". The LAST default gap existence cost is 21.
Gap Extension Cost (-b) By default, this pipeline uses a gap extension cost of 3 for "Plasmodium polymorphisms" and 4 for "Dengue virus serotype classification". The LAST default gap extension cost is 9.
Insertion Existence Cost (-A) By default, this pipeline uses a insertion existence cost of 15 for "Plasmodium polymorphisms" and for "Dengue virus serotype classification". By default, the LAST insertion existence cost is set to the same value as the gap existence cost (-a).
Query Letters per Random Alignment (-D) By this option you can specify to report alignments that are expected by chance at most once per x (-D) query letters. By default, this pipeline uses a value of 1e+07 for "Plasmodium polymorphisms" and for "Dengue virus serotype classification". The default value used by LAST is 1e+06.
Adjust poretools parameters (only relevant for fast5 conversion)
Read type Specify the type of the Nanopore read to be used.
Minimum read length Specify the minimum length a read must have to be included.
Quality filter Which filter to apply on the read quality.
Upload Progress
* These fields are required
** Test cases are only available for Discovery Tasks Plasmodium Polymorphisms and Dengue Virus Serotype Classification
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