Institute of Bioinformatics Münster
You can download the latest version of the command line tool from here: download!
The NanoPipe git repository is available here.

This software was tested on Max OS X (10.10.2). The NanoPipe command line version is similar to the one that is used in the Webtool.


To use the Pipeline, you need to have the following software installed:

Installation Instructions

Download the NanoPipe_v*.tar.gz file and extract it. Then, change to the directory NanoPipe_v*/ and run this command

python install

This will installl the scripts into o the standard location for third-party Python modules (more information on the locations is found here).

If you, for example, have downloaded the file to your Downloads/ directory, you can run these commands to install the NanoPipe scripts

cd ~/Downloads/
tar xzfv nanopipe_v*.tar.gz
cd nanopipe_v*/
python install

Usage Example

To use the Script with the example data provided, run these commands

cd ~/Downloads/NanoPipe_v*/NanoPipe/example-data/
mkdir test_run
cd test_run/
nanopipe -q ../plasmodium_falciparum.fq -a plasmodium

To see a help message, run

$ nanopipe -h
usage: nanopipe [-h] -q QUERY_FILE -a {dengue,plasmodium,provide}
                [-t TARGET_FILE] [-f] [-V] [-l LAST_PARAMETER] [-d] [-v]

Pipeline to perform analysis on Nanopore reads.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TARGET_FILE, --target_file TARGET_FILE
                        File with target sequences.
  -f, --use_all_reads   Use all reads from the query data (all reads, not just
                        2D high quality).
  -V, --version         Print version information and exit.
  -l LAST_PARAMETER, --last_parameter LAST_PARAMETER
                        Specify last parameters to be used, for example '-q8
                        -a13' (quotes needed).
  -d, --debug           Use debug mode. Will print more verbose log file.
  -v, --verbose         Use verbose mode.

Required arguments:
  -q QUERY_FILE, --query_file QUERY_FILE
                        Path to file or directory with query data (in fastq or
                        fast5 format)
  -a {dengue,plasmodium,provide}, --analysis_type {dengue,plasmodium,provide}
                        Which analysis task to perform. Allowed types:
                        ['dengue', 'plasmodium', 'provide']


The script creates several output files, e.g.

  • consensus.fasta with the consensus sequences, based on 'majority rule'
  • readspergene.tsv with the number of reads assigned to each target gene
  • polymorphisms.tsv with the polymorphisms found in the target genes
2016-01-08 11:42