Uni Münster Med. Fakultaet
NewickTreeModifier: a simple web page to prune and modify Newick trees
"The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome” by T2T Consortium has been published by Nature
"The new uORFdb: integrating literature, sequence, and variation data in a central hub for uORF research” by Felix Manske, Lynn Ogoniak, Norbert Grundmann and Wojciech Makałowski has been published by Nucleic Acids Research.
"A Map of 3' DNA Transduction Variants Mediated by Non-LTR Retroelements on 3202 Human Genomes” by Reza Halabian and Wojciech Makałowski has been published by Biology.
"paPAML: An Improved Computational Tool to Explore Selection Pressure on Protein-Coding Sequences" by Lynn Ogoniak, Norbert Grundmann and others
"Mobilome of Apicomplexa Parasites" by Rodriguez and Makalowski has been published by Genes.
"Software evaluation for de novo detection of transposons" by Rodriguez and Makalowski has been published by Mobile DNA.
"From telomere to telomere: The transcriptional and epigenetic state of human repeat elements” by T2T consortium has been published by Science.
"Global research alliance in infectious disease: a collaborative effort to combat infectious diseases through dissemination of portable sequencing” by GRAID consortium that IoB is part of has been published by BMC Research Notes.
Congratulations to Reza and Matias on the excellent contribution on TE-driven DNA transductions in the human genome
"Somatic Functional Deletions of Upstream Open Reading Frame-Associated Initiation and Termination Codons in Human Cancer" was published by MDPI
Dr. Kathrin Poos
Email: kpoos@uni-muenster.de

Research Interest

  • Up- and Downstream regulation of microRNAs in invasive breast cancers
  • Metastatic potential of genes in Osteosarcoma
  • High-throughput data analysis using systems biological approaches
  • ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data analyses


Oct 2009 - present PhD student in Bioinformatics,
Institute of Bioinformatics,
Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster
Sep 2007 - Aug 2009 MSc Molecular biology with focus on Bioinformatics, University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen
Apr 2009 - Aug 2009 MSc Thesis,
Enrichment analyses for transcripts and metabolites with heterosis effects Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Dummerstorf
Oct 2008 - Mar 2009 Research Project,
Using Meta-analysis to identify Oct4 target genes Institute for Stem Cell Research, Edinburgh, UK
Sep 2004 - Aug2007 BSc Molecular Biology,
University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen
Mar 2007 - Jul 2007 BSc Thesis,
Pointmutations in the Bacterial Protein YtvA from B. subtilis for the Implementation of Spinlabels, Max-Planck Institute for Bioinorganic Chemistry, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr

Conferences and Workshops

  • RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq Data Analysis, EMBL advanced course, June 2011, Heidelberg
  • Parallel Computing with R, LMU advanced courses, November 2010, Munich
  • Using ChIP-seq to identify EWS-FLI1 target genes (Poster), 25th German Conference on Bioinformatics, September 2010, Braunschweig
  • Bioconductor Demo (Seminar),8th Poznan Summer School of Bioinformatics, July 2010, Poznan, Poland
  • Introduction of Platform Project 3 (Talk),TranSaRNet Meeting, April 2010, Bonn
  • A versatile analysis pipeline for Illumina's BeadArrays (Poster and Talk), EuroBoNeT Annual Meeting, January 2010, Münster


  • Hungermann D, Schmidt H, Natrajan R, Tidow N, Poos K, Reis-Filho JS, Brandt B, Buerger H, and Korsching E. Influence of whole arm loss of chromosome 16q on gene expression patterns in estrogen receptor positive, invasive breast cancer. The Journal of Pathology, 224(4):517-528, 2011.
  • Andorf S, Selbig J, Altmann T, Poos K, Witucka-Wall H, and Repsilber D.Enriched partial correlations in genome-wide gene expression profiles of hybrids (A. thaliana): a systems biological approach towards the moelcular basis of heterosis Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120(2): 249-259, 2009.
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