Uni Münster Med. Fakultaet
"Development of a new data management system for the study of the gut microbiome of children who are small for their gestational age" by Felix Manske, Norbert Grundmann, and Wojciech Makałowski has been published by "Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal"
"Animal and vegetal materials of mouse oocytes segregate at first zygotic cleavage: a simple mechanism that makes the 2-cell blastomeres differ reciprocally from the start" by Thomas Nolte, Reza Halabian at al. has been published by Molecular Human Reproduction.
Congratulations to Reza Halabian for the succesful defense of his PhD thesis.
Congratulations to Matías Rodríguez for the succesful defense of his PhD thesis.
"miR-193b-5p and miR-374b-5p Are Aberrantly Expressed in Endometriosis and Suppress Endometrial Cell Migration In Vitro" by Caroline Frisendahl, Eberhard Korsching et al. has been published in Biomolecules.
Congratulations to Felix Manske for the succesful defense of his PhD thesis.
"Application of a new data management system to the study of the gut microbiome of children who are small for their gestational age" by Manske et al. has been uploaded to bioRxiv.
"Interplay of miR-542, miR-126, miR-143 and miR-26b with PI3K-Akt is a Diagnostic Signal and Putative Regulatory Target in HPV-Positive Cervical Cancer" by Akram Rahimi-Moghaddam, Nassim Ghorbanmehr, Sedigheh Gharbi, Fatemeh Nili and Eberhard Korsching has been published by Biochemical Genetics
NewickTreeModifier: a simple web page to prune and modify Newick trees
"The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome” by T2T Consortium has been published by Nature
"The new uORFdb: integrating literature, sequence, and variation data in a central hub for uORF research" by Felix Manske, Lynn Ogoniak, Norbert Grundmann and Wojciech Makalowski has been published by Nucleic Acids Research.
"A Map of 3' DNA Transduction Variants Mediated by Non-LTR Retroelements on 3202 Human Genomes" by Reza Halabian and Wojciech Makalowski has been published by Biology.
"paPAML: An Improved Computational Tool to Explore Selection Pressure on Protein-Coding Sequences" by Lynn Ogoniak, Norbert Grundmann and others
"Mobilome of Apicomplexa Parasites" by Rodriguez and Makalowski has been published by Genes.
"Software evaluation for de novo detection of transposons" by Rodriguez and Makalowski has been published by Mobile DNA.
"From telomere to telomere: The transcriptional and epigenetic state of human repeat elements" by T2T consortium has been published by Science.
"Global research alliance in infectious disease: a collaborative effort to combat infectious diseases through dissemination of portable sequencing" by GRAID consortium that IoB is part of has been published by BMC Research Notes.

Name: Jessin Janice J.
Status: Ph.D. student
Email: janicej@uni-muenster.de
Room: 2650.110.205
Phone: +49-251-835300-2

Research interests

Evolutionary fate of Minor spliceosomal introns

Many multicellular eukaryotes have two types of spliceosome for the removal of introns from messenger RNA precursors.  The major (U2) spliceosome processes the vast majority of introns, while the minor (U12) spliceosome removes a small fraction (less than 0.5%) of introns, referred to as U12-type introns.  U12-type introns have distinct sequence elements, but usually occur in genes together with U2-type introns.  A phylogenetic distribution of U12-type introns shows that the minor splicing pathway appeared very early in eukaryotic evolution and has been lost repeatedly. However, over time they tend to be either removed from a gene or convert to U12-type. The conversion occurs either by accumulation of point mutations at the splicing junctions or by activation of U2-type cryptic splicing sites that initially leads to an alternative splicing and is followed by an inactivation of a U12-type splicing signal. With almost two dozens of completely sequenced insect genomes, we can study exact mechanism of these changes. We used comparative genomics approach to track down changes that lead to an intron type switch. In general, loss of U12-type introns is more common than their conversion to U2-type and U12 to U2 conversion occurs more frequently among U12 introns of the GT-AG subtype. Additionally, using phylogenetic approach, we were able to estimate frequency and tempo of these changes.

Role of Minor spliceosomal introns in gene expression and regulation

These U12-type introns having very early origin, are evolving incessantly. Tough they are either deleted or getting converted to U2-type intron, a few of the U12 introns are conserved within the genes, as they play indispensible role (yet unknown) in gene expression. Removal of U12-type intron is relatively much slower than U2-type intron by the spliceosome, thereby, slowing down the gene expression. With the availability of the complete human and mouse genome sequences, we can study the evolution of U12-type intron in the paralogous genes and the impact of the U12-type introns in the gene expression. Moreover, it is interesting to discover the selection pressure of U12-type introns in the gene expression and selection bias of the U12-type introns among the paralogous genes containing U12 introns.


  • 2002-2005: B.Sc. in Botany, specialization in Industrial Microbiology , at Lady Doak College,Madurai, India
    • Project 1: Studies on the extraction and the activity of Catecol oxidase extracted from the green grapes, purple grapes and apple at CLRI, India.
    • Project 2: Studies on the effect of Bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sp. on selected Bacterial strains.
  • 2005-2007: M.Sc. in Bioinformatics, at Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India.
    • Project: Molecular evolution of Salmonella pathogenecity island insight into the Mechanism of Host specificity at Indian Institute of Science (IISC), India
  • 2007-2008: Junior Research Fellow at the department of MCBL, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
  • 2008 - now: Ph.D. studies in Bioinformatics at Univeristy of Muenster, Muenster, Germany.

Conferences and workshops


2012-02-29 11:59