Welcome to MetagenomicsDB!
Query the database by selecting a topic. After selecting a topic, a
dialog will appear where you can enter search criteria and submit
the query. Please note that you cannot restrict your search
with criteria from different topics using this query page. The selectable
fields have a symbol in front: "T" is for text, "I" for integers, and
"F" for floats. Text is automatically removed from fields of type "F"
and "I". No autocorrection is applied to fields of type "T" which can
contain characters, integers, and floats (or any combination thereof).
The different criteria will be joined by an "and" condition.
Different values of a criterion will be joined by an "or". You can
choose following operators: "<", "<=", ">" and ">=" for
all enterable fields, "," as a "marker" for sets and "~" at the
beginning of strings to search for patterns. If you omit the
"search method" it is automatically "=".
That means you may enter ">123" to select numbers greater than
123, ">abc <def" to get all values between "abc" and "def". A
criterion as "1,2,3" will search for values in the set {1,2,3}.
Note, that the greater and lower operators are combined by an "and"!
That means >100 combined with <10 does NOT give any result!
And also note, that in text fields the following is true: "B1" >
For performance reasons, the number of hits per topic is limited to
1000 for Patients and 10000 for Samples and Taxa.