Symposium and Workshop using MinION, July 7-10 2019
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You need a registration for the following 3 days
July 7, 2019
15:00PCR preparation
16:00PCR start
July 8, 2019
10:00Orientation by organizer
10:30Gel electrophoresis (PCR check)
11:00What is "Diagnosis-by-Sequencing", introduction of the concept
11:30gel check
14:45MinION library prep and Sequencing run
18:00Evening Seminar by Sysmex
18:30Welcome party
July 9, 2019
08:45Introduction to bioinformatic analyses
13:00Hands-on training (linux, guppy, debarcoding, deindexing, NanoPipe)
18:00end of the day 3
Symposium for Diagnosis-by-Sequencing using MinION (public event; no registration required)
July 10, 2019
10:00Opening remarks: Junya Yamagishi, Hokkiado Univ, Japan
10:10Outline of the project: Junya Yamagishi
10:30Keynote lecture: Yutaka Suzuki, The University of Tokyo, Japan
11:00Session 1 (20 min each)
Dr. LanAnh Nguyen, NIHE, Vietnam
Dr. Yasunobu Matsumoto, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Jiraporn Ruangsittichai, Mahidol University, Thailand
13:00Special lecture: Wiliam, W. Hall, University College Dublin, Ireland
13:30Session 2 (15 min each)
Victoria Shabardina, University of Münster, Germany
Felix Manske, University of Münster, Germany
Dela Ria Nesti, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
# break for 15 min #
Session 3 (20 min each)
Dr. Orapan Sripichai, National Institute of Health of Thailand, Thailand
Dr. Lucky Runtuwene, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Tobias Mourier, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
15:30Closing remarks -- Ruichiro Maeda, Obihiro Univ. of Agri. and Vet. Med. Japan
15:40Wrap-up discussion (MinION hands-on and future activities)
Pictures of the workshop
MinION sequencing.
Preliminary analysis of the sequencing run.
Special lecture by Prof. William W. Hall.
The presentations encouraged lively discussions and exchange of ideas.
Closing words by Prof. Ryuichiro Maeda.
One last group picture before the BBQ starts.
One properly-sized sake bottle held by Prof. Wojciech Makalowski.
2019-07-24 11:57